Mindfulness Training

Reduce Stress and Improve your Emotional, Mental, and Physical Well-being


I have practiced meditation and studied Buddhism intensively since 2006. In college, I spent a transformative semester abroad on the Antioch Buddhist Studies Program living in a Burmese monastery in Bodh Gaya, India for three and a half months. There, I received intensive training in the Vipassana, Zen, and Dzogchen (Tibetan) methods of meditation, as well as taking my Bodhisattva Vows under the sacred Bodhi Tree with my teacher at the time, Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche.

This experience initiated me into my love of the Dharma, my passion for the practice, and the Bodhisattva practice of sharing Buddhism with others.

In 2009, I sat my first 9-day Vipassana retreat at Insight Meditation Society (IMS) in Barre, MA. I continue to return to IMS each year to refine and deepen my practice and understanding of the Dharma, including ways to integrate it appropriately into psychotherapy.

Some teachers I have studied and practiced under to date include Akincano Marc Weber, Rodney Smith, Narayan Helen Liebenson, Christina Feldman, Larry Rosenberg, JoAnna Harper Hardy, Rebecca Bradshaw, Tara Brach, and Pema Chodron to name a few.

In more recent years, I have intensified my practice through increasing retreat time at IMS. Since 2015, my practice currently centers around exploring the teachings of metta (loving-kindness) and the body (somatic meditation). 


For interested clients, I am happy to integrate the basics of mindfulness training as a part of your coaching or psychotherapy with me. Just mention your interest!

My services are also available in professional settings for larger groups and in workshop settings, including colleges.