New Client Resources
Getting Started!
Click here for commonly asked psychotherapy questions & answers that interested clients often find helpful before deciding to work together.
If we already have our first session booked, great!
Please continue below to FORMS + INSURANCE section that has been created as our first steps to getting started.
Choose the FORM option that corresponds with the treatment you seeking, then follow the instructions for each individual form.
Print and bring any form(s) that are requested to your first appointment with Jenn with your insurance card, if appropropriate, so we can make a copy.
Forms for New Traditional Reiki Treatment Clients:
Informed Consent + Client Info (read, fill & return pg. 4-5)
Credit Card Authorization Form (read, fill & return)
Forms For New Psychotherapy & Psychotherapeutic Reiki Clients:
Personal Disclosure + Informed Consent (read, fill & return pg. 10)
New Client Registration (read, fill & return)
HIPPA Notice of Privacy Policy (read)
HIPPA Consent + Agreement (read, fill & return)
Credit Card Authorization Form (read, fill & return)
Copy of insurance card if you plan to bill the sessions
Optional Adult Checklist of Concerns (Non-mandatory form, This is in invitation to communicate concerns non-verbally)
Client Insurance Information (If you are a Medicaid or BCBS client, fill & return)
Forms for All other clients
Payment options
Credit Card Authorization (read, fill & return)
Medicaid currently accepted.
Sliding scale + payment programs available.